Pilot3D     "3D For All"


Game and Movie Developers, Architects, and Digital or Sculptural Artists



With so many surface editors available like Maya and 3Dmax, why should you consider Pilot3D?

1.        Superior NURBS entity control and shaping. Pilot3D was designed to give total control of curved surfaces in an architectural environment. Visual plane-cut functions allow for topographical contour lines in any direction. This allows the designer or graphical artist a real-time “look” at the fairness of surface curvature.

2.        Architectural Output. Having trouble going from your Movie Model to your Movie Set? Pilot3D is an architectural editor. Complete building plans for framing, with skin thickness offsets, plate development, and porting any piece for computer-guided cutting, decimal feet, metric, or feet-inches-eighths. Or export .DXF into 3DMax(tm) or AutoCad(tm).

3.        Don’t Be Square! Pilot3D has no problems generating variations on a cube or cylinder, but this program was built for curves and surfaces. Visual fairing tools, curvature specific fairing tools, and NACA Foil generation and Force-to-NACA Foil Function ensure smooth curvature where you want it and complete control where you don’t.

4.        Variable Polygon Output. Pilot3D automatically subdivides NURBS surfaces. This controllable function allows the same model to be used for your movie, game, and set-builder. 


1700s English cutter for SeaDogs game by Jonathan Werbel.

Output Resolution: Only 1383 Polygons!


Game model of the Nina done for Stainless Steel Studios by Jonathan Werbel. Created with ProSurf 3 using NURB surfaces and output as only a 342 polygon (!) model as shown here.


5.        Very Inexpensive!  At only $69.95, Pilot3D is the lowest priced, full-featured, relational trimmed NURB curve and surface 3D modeling program on the market, with features not found in any other software.  You can’t afford not to add this program to your arsenal of 3D modeling and animation tools.

Pilot3D allows you to add or subtract NURBS control lines at any stage and forces the surface to adhere.  More importantly, however, Pilot3D allows you to shape a NURBS surface by moving edit points that lie on the curves and surfaces.  No floating and confusing control lines and vertices are necessary! You may also model in Symmetric or Non-symmetric mode. Symmetric mode automatically duplicates the other side of an object such as a boat hull or spacecraft. The 3d perspective window may show both or one side of an object drawn in Symmetric mode, and objects are fully editable in 3D.

With Pilot3D every intersection is an editable point. In addition, each surface can be broken at a NURBS line, un-bonded or re-bonded, cut, trimmed, or trimmed at intersection. You can extrude surfaces from NURBS curves, or force surfaces to follow NURBS curves.

We have been developing surface-editing software for over 20 years, specializing in detailed control and shaping of NURB curves and surfaces. Our flagship product ProSurf3 is in its third generation and is the leading Ship Design Software on the Market. Pilot3D is the same program without hydrostatic and resistance calculations. While you won’t be able to predict the coefficient of friction, you will be able to output plans and specifications to industry standards from computer cutting to your set-carpenter’s stick rule. This is a proven program with years of industry use.


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